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MAILab CEO Dr. Phil Yang's AI Talk (October 11, 2022)

Writer's picture: MAILab2021MAILab2021

Industrial safety is now an economic issue as well as a political issue beyond social issues.

Now, the concept of ESG is no longer unfamiliar to us. What is more realistic and urgent for us, who have experienced a historically unprecedented pandemic, is sustainability through EHS, or environmental-health-Safety. Health and safety are an immediate appeal to employees and customers, and at the same time an integral part of the company’s sustainability.

In particular, another reason why Korean companies have no choice but to invest for the health and safety of their employees is the Special Act on Severe Disasters. The official name is the ‘Act on the Punishment of Severe Disasters.’ It is applied to businesses with more than 50 employees from January this year. Not only has the punishment become stricter, but it is also groundbreaking in that it punishes not only subcontractors but also original contractors and CEOs. More than 800 people die from industrial accidents every year in Korea, and there are a huge number of people suffering from injuries.

Artificial intelligence is mentioned as a solution to industrial disasters, especially Vision AI. Above all, the special function of deep learning artificial intelligence is not post-tracking, but prevention. When entering the workplace, it is necessary to check the wearing of safety gear one by one and to make sure that it is still worn while working, and Vision AI can be used. If so, it is also important to identify who is wearing and who is not, and a warning should be sent in real time. In addition to direct detection and recognition, there is a method of setting a virtual boundary of an access ban called virtual boundary, virtual parameter, or geofencing. For example, if an operator enters a route or area where forklifts or heavy machinery is going on or working, it can be warned in real time to prevent crashes or if hands or feet are close to a working machine, it can be warned in real time to prevent entrapment. Of course, fire can be quickly detected and extinguished through Vision AI. Now, if you detect flames in real time from a camera equipped with an AI chip as a function of Vision AI like a human eye, such a large-scale issue can be extinguished early and human casualties can be prevented. Finally, we have to mention industrial accidents at construction sites. The construction industry is the most urgent area of vision AI technology mentioned so far.

Currently, MAILab has developed Vision AI’s hardware-software that deals with the safety of fulfillment centers and manufacturing plants, as well as researching artificial intelligence technology that can solve safety problems at construction sites. I have to confess that the biggest problem is securing data. In the end, cooperation with construction companies is essential. Education is indispensable in relation to industrial accidents. Until now, if education was simply based on past experiences, artificial intelligence technology based on big data, visualization by graphic analysis, and prediction should be utilized. In the end, we can't help but think about the relationship between cost and safety AI.

In particular, advances in Vision AI and Edge AI inevitably lead to investment in hardware, which is an edge device, and hence comes with cost issues. As mentioned earlier, it may be solved with the wisdom of choice and concentration, but it is not enough as a fundamental measure. The alternative to this is multifunction. For example, build hardware-software-services that work together with security or quarantine, not just safety. That's what MAILab's Quarantine-security-safety (QSS) integrated AI solution does. Technically, it is an upgrade from a simple functional Narrow AI to a multi-functional General AI. Industrial accidents cannot be resolved by law, culture or consciousness. Now artificial intelligence has already entered our lives as a means of solving it.


Author Dr. Phil Yang: Born in 1957. PhD in Contemporary Chinese History from UCLA. Former Professor at Konkuk University, Professor at the State University of New York in Korea, Adjunct Professor at Tsinghua University in China, President of Jilin Metropolitan University of Technology and Education in China, Established CKT Group in 1999, Chair of MK World Knowledge Forum AI Division in 2018, and founded MAILab in 2019.

MAILab MAILab commercializes AI solutions for quarantine, security and safety with QSS integrated solution based on its own engine i2Brain, Vision AI Framework, MEGA Image AI Platform, and MEGA Industrial AI Platform through engineering and marketing organizations in the United States, Canada, China and India. MAILab offers Industrial AI such as QSS Integrated Solution, Medical AI such as congenital heart disease algorithm, Logistic AI such as Robotic AI Fulfillment Service, Beauty AI for sales and production of skin care and makeup products.


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